Modernising Day Opportunities Workshop - Follow up

Date Friday 12 March 2021
Time 10:00 to 12:00

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Join Bromley Council to develop a shared vision on how day services might be delivered from 2023.

A successful meeting was held in December between sector representatives, Council members and officers, to share ideas about how day services for older people and those with learning disabilities in Bromley could be modernised and redesigned.

Bromley Council now wish to take this a step further and develop a shared vision on how day services might be delivered from 2023, agree what steps could be taken in 2021 to work towards this, and set out what the day services offer will be for residents as they emerge from lockdown later this year.

This follow up workshop will take place on Friday 12 March 2021, 10:00 – 12:00.

Register for the workshop here

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Cost Free