NHS SEL CCG virtual presentations for Learning Disability Big Health Week 2021

Date Monday 06 December 2021
Time 09:00 to 17:00



NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (SEL CCG) are hoping to recreate the success of our Learning Disability Big Health Week event held virtually in November 2020 by holding a series of virtual presentations over the week of the 6th December 2021. 

The CCG will keep many of the elements which attendees enjoyed and found helpful, with information and support for people with learning disabilities to help keep healthy and recognise signs of ill health through annual health checks or cancer screening for example. The final programme for the week is still in the planning stages. Visit the website for updates.


Date and time: 6 December 2021, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location: Zoom


Contact the team on ld.bighealthweek@nhs.net

Contact Email ld.bighealthweek@nhs.net