Bromley Humanist Group meeting

Date Wednesday 11 May 2022
Time 14:30 to 16:30

Bromley Humanist Group is linked to the charities “National Secular Society” and “Humanist UK” and to Community Links UK.

The Bromley Humanist Group mainly holds a monthly afternoon meeting for those who have retired, or are unemployed, to discuss relevant social issues of the day, such as problems of fake news and the future of the NHS.

The topic of Bromley Humanist Group’s next meeting will be the British Broadcasting Association. The British Broadcasting Association is an important element in the culture of Britain. The meeting will be addressed by Patrick Barwise and Peter York, co-authors of the book “War Against the BBC.” Following the talk there will be questions and a discussion. Refreshments will be served.

The meeting will be held at 2.30 pm on the 11th of May, 2022, in United Reformed Church, Widmore Road, Bromley, BR1 1RY.

Contact Contact name Bromley Humanist Group
Bromley United Reformed Church, 20 Widmore Rd
(view map)