People, Planet, Pastry G&C

People, Planet, Pastry - The Hub From Greener and Cleaner

Date Monday 20 May 2024
Time 15:00 to 17:00

If you’re interested or curious about sustainability, come along to the People, Planet, Pastry event to meet like-minded business owners who are taking action on sustainability. Learn about what is going on locally, share insights on how to overcome barriers and make new friends!

This relaxed and informal event brings people together to learn more about sustainability and take action.

The sister event, People, Planet, Pint, brings people together to learn more and chat about climate, while their “Pastry” series is focused on empowering small businesses with the action they can take and where to start with sustainability.

While G&C will mostly be discussing businesses, this is an open event where anyone is welcome, so if you’re curious about what’s going on, come on down!

Reserve your Spot

The Hub (Upper Mall Next to Waterstones)
The Glades
(view map)
Cost Free