Have you noticed Rotary volunteers contributing to community events around Bromley Borough? You may be surprised to learn that aside from supporting the work of local charities in the borough, the organisation also has a truly global reach. Rotary is one of the world's largest humanitarian organisations, operating in over 200 countries with a worldwide membership of around 1.4 million people.

The charity’s key international focus areas include fighting disease, promoting peace, providing clean water, maternal and child health, supporting education, growing local economies and supporting the environment.

Supporting causes at the local community level enables Rotary to focus on delivering action on its wider goals. It does this through identifying areas of most need, then collaborating with local charities to help address these needs. So if you are looking for a way to give back or perhaps to contribute as part of your employers’ corporate social responsibility then this may just be the ticket for you. Giving back whilst having fun and creating friendships!

Rotary is always keen to welcome enthusiastic new volunteers and members and, for the would-be contributor, if you are intrigued about how to connect with various causes, there’s no shortage of local clubs to get involved in. The borough is currently home to eight different clubs, each covering specific areas such as Bromley, Beckenham, Chislehurst, Langley Park, Orpington, Orpington Crofton, Ravensbourne and West Wickham.

So what’s it like to be a volunteer? We spoke to Assistant District Governor, Christine Atkinson who initially got involved as a volunteer in support of the charity’s “End Polio Now” campaign:

“My mother had Polio, so to me the opportunity to support the End Polio Now campaign was really important. That was the big hook for me. But the other thing I value about Rotary is you’re not joining one charity. Within Rotary you’re working for hundreds of different charities and if your club isn’t working in your area of interest then you can explore what other Clubs have to offer and get involved there” 

The strength of the organisation is in its ability to utilise this global network of clubs to identify and react quickly to changing local, national or international circumstances and needs. This can mean providing speedy humanitarian response to unfolding crisis as Christine explains:

“We’re now working with clubs in Ukraine and Moldova. We’re helping them at the moment as they go into winter with snow and without light and heat.  We have set up a Task Force and amongst other activities are providing shelter and generators as well as much needed medical equipment, whilst at the same time supporting Ukrainians that have arrived in Bromley. You just don’t know from one day to the next what you’re going to be involved in. We will be out very quickly sometimes, something happens, a disaster somewhere in the world that will happen maybe on Wednesday and by Saturday we’re on the streets talking with the public and giving them a channel to contribute to issues as they unfold. It’s high profile.

Another excellent benefit is that once you join Rotary you can visit any other Club in the world to experience that global hand of friendship. You join a local club but why not visit a Club in Hawaii, Sydney or Singapore etc and meet friends you didn’t know you had”

Volunteer Stories image

Denise Meade-Hill recently became a Rotarian and is now Chair of Bromley Rotary Passport Club. This new associate club caters to those who can’t meet every week, often whilst working, but who would still like to find a way of contributing within their local community.

“There’s so much scope for cooperating with lots of different charities or lots of different causes. There is something for everyone and there are many opportunities to bring your vocational skills into a setting where you know that they’re going to be used.  Volunteering can support your own personal and professional development.

Denise also offered some advice to anyone thinking of volunteering:

“I would say sign up. Give it a go. Keep an open mind. You just never know what might be out there waiting for you. There’s something for everyone whether you wish to help behind the scenes or you are interested in doing something more high profile. It all helps to raise the flag for Rotary. “

Every day, volunteers across the borough are making a positive difference within our community and transforming lives. If you’ve been inspired to get involved in the work of Rotary contact us to find out more by emailing rotarynorthbynorthwest@gmail.com.

14:53, 20 Dec 2022 by Kathryn Mitchell


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