Community links Bromley can help you take the leap into volunteering by matching your interests, skills and experience with an organisation where you can make a big difference and really shine. So, whether it be to update your CV or gain references, all whilst doing something brilliant for the community; there are many great reasons to devote time.

But, what’s it like to be a volunteer? Each month we’ll be talking to volunteers from some of the many local charities working in our community to find out?  

Blind Veterans UK logoBlind Veterans UK is the national charity for blind and vision impaired ex-servicemen and women of any generation and has been operating since 1915, offering rehabilitation, training, practical advice, and emotional support for life. This enables their Members to regain their confidence, independence and help them lead more active, fulfilled lives. 

Volunteers play a crucial part in the delivery of this work, through a variety of roles as Thais Curia - Volunteer Coordinator for Greater London, explained:

“Our volunteers are vital to the work that we do. Every one of them plays a critical role in reducing our veterans’ isolation and helping us rebuild lives after sight loss, as Home Visitors, Outings Companions, Telephone Befrienders, Lead Volunteers for Social Clubs, Drivers, IT Helpers, Phone Chat Groups, Peer Support. Since 2018 (when we started using our online reporting system) the Greater London volunteers have provided our Members with 3,759 activities, and have donated nearly 5000 hours.”

The organisation is always keen to hear from would-be volunteers with diverse skill sets. Importantly, they should also share a commitment to the charity’s ethos that every vision-impaired veteran should be able to lead the life they choose.

Image with quote from Blind Veterans UK volunteer, Tim Free. Words of quote "Volunteering is both a vital asset in all our communities and on a personal level can really benefit in terms of developing confidence, self-esteem, making new friends and acquiring new skills""

Tim Free has been volunteering for the charity for over three years and told us what he enjoys most about it:

“Above all, the sense of contributing positively to someone's day, however small an act that might be. As someone who talks for a living, I really enjoy engaging with the members, whether that was as a ‘Home Visitor’ or hosting the ‘Group Chats’. It’s so rewarding to hear people getting excited, passionate (amused!) by our conversations. In this age of overwhelming methods of communication, many of which are beneficial to the members, I also think that the act of listening (as a volunteer) is so important. I would also add that the Blind Veterans staff I have contact with are amazing people. Highly organised, so positive, friendly, generous and patient.” 

As Tim explained, there are many benefits to get involved as a volunteer:

“I think that the two-way process of giving (time etc...) and also receiving (friendships and gaining knowledge) are two very important benefits. Volunteering gives you a focus, perspective on your life (and others) and is a good insight into a charity’s ethos and work. It can also be a great way to lead you into potential employment, or at least have a valuable asset to your CV, if applying for work.”

 As for advice to the would-be volunteer, Tim had this to say:

“Do some research. Ask people who already undertake volunteer roles. Speak to different charities and organisations and importantly find a role that you really relish and know will be fulfilling for yourself. This in turn will reflect on your contribution and approach to working with the volunteering group you have chosen. Volunteering is both a vital asset in all our communities and on a personal level can really benefit in terms of developing confidence, self-esteem, making new friends and acquiring new skills.”

15:26, 16 Feb 2023 by Kathryn Mitchell


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