After 12 weeks, it is all over. Collectively you covered 81,838.9 kilometers (50,852.3 miles) and 117,384,709 steps were logged. A great achievement!

Three teams completed the challenge distance. They were Home Instead Bromley, Burlington Wanderers and CareDogs. All completed over.

Individually, it was extremely close at the top of the leaderboard. Scott Monteverde, Ginny Brewer and Anne Routledge were the top three with Alex Best just behind. All four completed over 870 miles each.

Well done to everyone and thank you for your participation. Rather than decrease, the overall average of steps taken rose in the final week and an average of over 1.4 million steps were taken every day.

To mark the occasion, we held a closing activity at the Pavilion Bowling Lanes. Thanks to Mytime Active for hosting us and to all of the Challenge participants who came along to take part. We also awarded trophies for the top 3 teams and individuals.

Click here to view the summary infographic for the New Year Walking Challenge


2023 challenge recap

Our first Bromley Step Challenge concluded just before midnight on Sunday 10th December 2023. Burlington Wanderers, a team lead by Rotary Champion, Brenda Parsons, completed a virtual walk around England's cities. The team of 7 walked 2,837.6 kms or 1763.2 miles over the period. Overall, the 64 participants in the Challenge covered 14,237 kms or 20.6 million steps. The feedback from the Teams was very positive with many reporting that the Challenge provided the motivation to be more active during the colder weather, as well as helping colleagues and neighbours to bond.


Why should I get active?

Being active is good for your mind and body. Every minute of activity counts – and the more you do, the more you'll benefit. To stay fit and healthy, it's recommended you get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, or around 20 to 30 minutes a day.

Exercise can:

  • improve your sleep
  • clear your mind
  • boost your energy
  • help with back or joint pain

Exercise can also reduce your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and some cancers.