COVID vaccination briefing session

Monday 25 January 2021
15:00 to 16:00

COVID19 vaccine message

You are invited to an NHS briefing on the Covid-19 vaccination programme in South East London taking place on Monday 25 January, 3pm – 4pm on Microsoft Teams with Jessica Arnold, Director of Flu and Covid Vaccinations and others.

This briefing is specifically aimed at organisations and groups supporting older people as they are a current priority group but others may find it useful particularly those supporting people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities or those who are socially or economically deprived as we are aware of concerns from these communities about the vaccine.

The session will provide an overview and progress of the programme in SEL including key messages and an opportunity to ask questions, discuss key concerns and how we can work together to address issues and concerns to encourage take up of the vaccine as well as to ensure you have key facts and know where to get the most up to date information. 

You will then be sent a link to the meeting on MS Teams towards the end of the week before the meeting. 

  • For tips on how to access Microsoft Teams meetings, click here.

This is a second meeting for the voluntary and community sector across Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham, Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich and follows on from the meeting which took place on 18 December.

  • Click here to view the presentation from the last meeting.

Please note: the above presentation describes the situation as it was at 18 December 2020 - some information has changed since then.

Questions from the meeting have been incorporated into NHS SEL CCG's Frequently Asked Questions on the dedicated Covid-19 vaccines web page.

Please share this with members of your team and other VCS colleagues who may be interested in attending.


If you have any queries please do get in touch via the SEL engagement email

Microsoft Teams
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